Thursday, October 23, 2008

children's ministry input

A few months ago Bonnie and I attended the National New Church Conference in Orlando, FL. It was a good week of learning and growing and expanding our minds and hearts to what God wanted us to do in New Bern. At that conference we won a start-up package from a design company which included our logo design, all of our start-up stuff like letterhead, business cards, web design, etc. All of the stuff you might have seen has been designed by Brown Cow Design out of Charlotte, NC.

One of the things that we get with this package of design is a children's ministry logo design. The question is what are we going to call this part of our ministry? We could use any input you might have. The children's ministry will start with a children's church program on Sunday mornings and then a few events throughout the year. If you have any ideas that would tie in with the rest of the church, please let me know. You can post it here, or send an email to



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