Monday, November 24, 2008

launch team information meeting

Tonight was an important night in the history of Two Rivers Church. Tonight we held our first official get together. We invited all the people we had met since we have been here to an information meeting at our house. (and some of them actually showed up!) It was a great meeting. Four families plus our family and kids met and talked about the dream of a new church in Craven County. After months of praying and planning and fundraising tonight was the first actual gathering of Two Rivers Church. My hope is that from this group will form the beginning of a movement of God in this city.

Thanks to all who prayed for this night and for me.


1 comment:

Emily, Mom of 3!!! said...

Just wanted to let you know that I was here and have bookmarked this blog so I can keep up with two Rivers Church.:) I am super excited for you guys and looking forward to seeing all the lives I know will be affected because of God's work through you! Thinking and praying for your family and Two Rivers, and New bern area regularly. Hopefully, Duane and I and the kids can come for a visit some time! :) God Bless!

Emily Crosby